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How to
1. Let's create a watermark automatically inserted workflow using Automator.
2. Please download the attached file workflow. And run.
3. Please click on the Open with Automator.
4. We used items will use the output directory and output format, watermark.
5. The output directory where to save the watermark embedded image.
6. I have set the untitled folder on Desktop.
7. If you set the original photo folder, it will be overwritten. The original picture disappears.
8. I recommend that you set a different folder to you.
9. The output format can be changed the format of the image file.
10. When the file rather than as JPG, and PNG, please set it.
11. The image files in the current demo is JPG. Therefore, we will Same as Original.
12. Now let's load the image of the watermark. The format of the watermark image is recommended for PNG.
13. Click on etc.....
14. Click on the image file.
15. When checking the tiles on the side, it is in a checkerboard background. I checked off, because as a single image
16. watermark position will be set to the lower-right corner.
17. We're done. Press Cmd + S o save and exit.
18. And the re-run.
19. Click Install.
20. Right-click on the image.
21. And Click Services, and then click watermark.
22. Just go to the specified folder, you can see the watermark inserted image.
23. Successful!
24. You can utilizing the Automator modify the image size, or rotate the image.
25. It is also possible to automate.
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[Mac] 오토메이터로 사진에 워터마크 자동 일괄 삽입하는법 (워터마크 넣는법/워터마크 넣기) 안녕하세요....